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#22 Mandarin Texting: Emotions & Emoji for Mental Health Awareness Month (Hybrid)
#22 Mandarin Texting: Emotions & Emoji for Mental Health Awareness Month (Hybrid)



Toronto Mandarin School

#22 Mandarin Texting: Emotions & Emoji for Mental Health Awareness Month (Hybrid)

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. We"ll be talking about emotions, feelings & other relevant topics from a multi-cultural perspective. We"ll learn how to express your mental status & emotions, and how Chinese interpret emojis in texting. Hopefully, we can roughly understand the Chinese mentality

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2023年5月12日 19:00 – GMT-4 20:30

Toronto Mandarin School, 200 Consumers Rd Suit 410, North York, ON M2J 4R4, Canada


Appetizer (30 mins) - Introduction to New Words & Phrases

We will start with some interpretation and discussion of the Top 10 most popular emojis and how the Chinese understand them in Mandarin texting. And then, we will learn some handly and trendy expressions for feelings and emotions.

Main Course (30 mins) - Now, Let's Practice 

Then you will be served our main course: learning how to express your feelings and emotions in basic sentences. But feel free to bring your own sauces if you like. You're more than welcome to share your feelings, and let's practice speaking up about your feelings and emotions!

Dessert (30 mins) - Open Discussions

As for the desert, let's take a moment and talk about feelings and emotions. Do you think the Chinese are good at expressing their feeling? What's "Chinese Mentality"? What're the challenges and learning opportunities in Mandarin texting? What else would you like to discuss? Bring your own topic!


  • Weekly Pass

    You will have one-time access to the event.

    +CA$0.38 票券服務費




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